On this page we inform you about events that are either organised by the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. or that the association would like to point out.


Warm invitation!


Saturday, 19.11.2022 at 3:00 pm

The Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monuments and History Society offers

a Cultural-historical tour of the Beuel cemetery on Platanenweg an.

The speaker will be Dr Dagmar Hänel, who will explain the special features of the cemetery, which include not only the widely known Sinti and Roma graves.

Meeting point is the old  Main entrance on Platanenweg.

From the Shell petrol station, the road axis leads up a slight incline, at the end of which is the gate.

Admission is free, but donations are requested.

The subsequent social evening will take place in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Adelheidisstraße 3 in Beuel-Vilich.

As the number of participants is limited, please register by mail.

Image: Wikipedia

Send mail to Denkmalverein


Would you like to know where your family name comes from or where your ancestors lived?

For this purpose, we regularly offer you a personal consultation hour every 1st Monday of the month at the "Central Office for Beuel Family Research" in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus.

Waltraud Boß, genealogist and author of various family books from the region, will answer your questions.

Participation is free of charge, but donations are welcome. Please register by email so that Ms. Boß can prepare for your questions.

Send mail to Denkmalverein


at the Mayor Stroof House
Adelheidisstr. 3
53225 Bonn-Vilich

Vernissage: Friday, 11.11.2022 at 7.00 p.m.

Introductory lecture: Dr. Sylva Harst

open daily from 5pm - 7pm

Finissage: Sunday, 20.11.2022 at 17.00

Guided tours for school classes are available on request.

Der Beueler Maler und Graphiker Helmut Degenhardt (1924 – 2002) war ein Ausnahmekünstler. Von Geburt an durch eine spastische Lähmung schwerstbehindert, nimmt er zunächst Mal- und Zeichenunterricht beim Bonner Privatdozenten Theodor Pape, 1943 – 1946 studiert er u.a. Glasmalerei an der Kunsthochschule Köln. Seinen Durchbruch erzielt er im Jahre 1950, als die „Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bonner Kunsterzieher“ zwölf Aquarelle von ihm ausstellt, die Kinder in einem (Beueler) Martinszug zeigen. Später wird dieser Zyklus von der Stadt Bonn herausgegeben und als Repräsentationsgeschenk verwendet.

Although he also drew protraits and continued to paint watercolours, his artistic love was stained glass. In close collaboration with the Derix glass workshop, he creates stained glass windows for the parishes of St. Michael (Weststadt), St. Maria-Magdalena (Endenich), St. Maria-Königin (St. Augustin) and St. Benediktus (Düsseldorf-Heerdt) according to his strict specifications. He also designed the stained glass windows of the Anne Frank secondary school in Vilich.

Since he is not only dependent on the support and care of his parents as an artist, it is a bitter blow for him when his mother dies in 1970 and his father twelve years later. It meant the end of his artistic career. He died on 4 October 2002.

The exhibition presents his twelve-part Martin cycle in Vilich's Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus and is accompanied by the torches of Vilich's Adelheidis School children, who are invited to collect them again in a small ceremony on 20 November.

Figure: Charles II, the last Habsburg ruler, who will be discussed in the lecture.


At Tuesday, 27.09.2022 at 7:30 pm the genealogist Waltraud Boß gives a lecture in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus on the subject of Curiosities from family research.

Visitors can expect a short excursion into the genealogical cabinet of curiosities: funny, sad and also scary incidents in family research. The duration of the contract is about one hour.

ATTENTION: The maximum number of 20 participants has been reached, registration is no longer possible.

StroofKOLLEG on Tour to historic Küdinghoven

Only very few people know that the oldest towers in Bonn are in Beuel. The residential towers of the castles of Limperich, Vilich (Lede) and Rheindorf (Wolfsburg) date back to the Middle Ages, the Möllestomp on the Limperich bank of the Rhine perhaps even to Roman times. The most interesting of all, however, is probably the church tower of Küdinghoven, about 1000 years old.

With its hidden staircase, it is an absolute rarity. Initially the population's refuge and defence tower, it was also the place where the Bergische Unterherrschaft Küdinghoven kept its records until secularisation. This church tower, all the way up to the belfry, is the goal of the StroofKOLLEG of the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. (Bonn Historical Society).

At the same time, of course, the church itself will be visited, one of the very few classicist longhouses in our region, and the neighbouring grave cross garden, which preserves the historic stone crosses of the 17th and 18th centuries, including plague crosses from 1666. Finally, the painter Leo Breuer from Bonn will be remembered, whose grave in the Küdinghoven churchyard has been elevated to a municipal grave of honour on the initiative of the monument association. Recently, the association presented an exhibition of paintings by this important constructivist in its Mayor Stroof House.

The event at Saturday, 8 October 2022, is under the direction of Carl J. Bachem and Johannes Junglas. It starts at 15.00. There is no cost; a donation for the upkeep of the Stroof House is requested. Registration is not necessary.

Image: Wikipedia

„Die Geschichte des Bürgermeister-Stroof Hauses“ am Tag des offenen Denkmals, Sonntag, den 11. September 2022

The Mayor Stroof House. The architectural origins of the listed Mayor Stroof House are still unclear. Recently, however, the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsheinisch e. V., which runs the 300-year-old half-timbered house as a museum commemorating the municipal beginnings of the borough of Beuel, seems to be on the right track.

This "KulturSpur" leads to the neighbouring Lede Castle, which once had its well house here at the edge of the park, perhaps even a medieval residential tower.

Saved from demolition by the association, the historical and architectural monument has revealed many traces of its history during its extensive restoration. Visitors are made aware of this during the guided tour.

Place: Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Vilich, Adelheidisstraße 3, Bonn (53225)
Guided tours on demand - Refreshments in the monument courtyard - Info sheet

Opening hours: Sunday, 11.09.2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Führung „VILICHER SCHÄTZE“ am Tag des offenen Denkmals, Sonntag, den 11. September 2022

The listed churchyard at St. Peter's was laid out in the Middle Ages and was for centuries the burial place of the formerly large parish of Vilich, which also included places such as Beuel, Rheindorf, Geislar, Pützchen and Holzlar, and thus practically the entire northern half of today's Bonn district of Beuel.

On the Day of the Open Monument, 240 stone grave crosses in particular, in keeping with the motto of the day, invite visitors to search for "traces of culture" dating back to the late Gothic period.

A remarkably high number. Probably the oldest, on which a date can still be clearly seen, dates from 1580. This unusual cultural treasure has long been abandoned to decay; after years of effort, the first signs of rescue are now coming into view.

Carl J. Bachem, Chairman of the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e. V., will report on this and present selected grave crosses as well as the gravesites of important Vilich families.

Guided tour by: Carl Jakob Bachem

Leadership 1:
Date/Time: Sunday, 11/09/2022, 13:00
Meeting point: Vilich, Kirchplatz Adelheidisstraße 8, Bonn (53225)

Leadership 2:
Date/Time: Sunday, 11/09/2022, 17:00
Meeting point: Vilich, Kirchplatz Adelheidisstraße 8, Bonn (53225)

Picture: Grave cross of the Bleibtreu family at the Old Protestant Cemetery in Holzlar

The Old Cemetery in Holzlar

Excursion „Geschichte nach Feierabend“ am

Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 5 pm

What many people do not know: Holzlar is home to one of the oldest cemeteries in the Rhineland, far older than the Old Cemetery in Bonn, for example.

Er geht auf evangelische Wurzeln zurück, die sich dort „im verborgenen Hinterland“ trotz der Gegenreformation weiter bewahren konnten. Weil sie auf den rundum liegenden katholischen Friedhöfen nicht geduldet wurden, haben sich zwei Holzlarer Familien im eigenen Garten beerdigen lassen.

This is the beginning, it was in 1658. The cemetery received a new boost at the beginning of the 19th century, when the factory owner Bleibtreu brought Protestant specialists from Hesse for his alum production, for whom there was also no burial place.

He then also made the cemetery the burial place for himself and his family. Of lasting importance both historically and in terms of art history, the cemetery is of course a listed building.

Dr. Friedrich Gebhardt, who has been looking after this gem for years, will lead a guided tour on behalf of the Bonn-Rrh. monument and history association.

Dazu lädt der Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch im Rahmen seiner öffentlichen Veranstaltungsreihe „Geschichte nach Feierabend“ auf den

next Tuesday, 2 August 2022 , at 5.00 p.m.


The event is free of charge; a donation for the upkeep of the Mayor Stroof House is appreciated. The short pedestrian access route leaves from the main road opposite Primrose Way.

The Waldcafé is reserved for a convivial evening.

Leo Breuer exhibition extended until 07 August

The picture exhibition of Leo Breuer, the internationally important Constructivist, in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus is being extended by two weeks - until 7 August 2022 - due to its surprisingly great response.

As before, it is open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 pm. At the same time, it is possible to visit the museum memorial, the first official residence in Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine.

Admission is free; a donation towards the upkeep of the house is appreciated. Constructivist of international standing, Breuer (1993-1975) had his studios in Paris, but at the same time also here in Bonn, more precisely in Beuel.

His gravesite is located in the mountain cemetery in Küdinghoven and has been elevated to the status of a municipal grave of honour on the initiative of the Bonn-Rrh Monuments and History Society.

The exhibition in the Stroof House focuses on constructivist works, but also allows an insight into the oeuvre as a whole.

Image: Kuladig

Guided tour of the Vilich monument site

Historic Vilich is full of architectural monuments, which the Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Society naturally has a special eye on.


Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 2:30 pm

he invites you to another tour, which starts at 2.30 pm at the church, Adelheidisstraße 8, and ends about two hours later at the museum Mayor Stroof House.

The painter Leo Breuer exhibition can also be visited there at the moment (except on Sundays, also on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 6 p.m.). The path through the village with a visit to the church and cemetery and a view of Lede Castle is just under 500 metres long.

A special emphasis is placed on the unusual collection of grave crosses from the late Gothic period to the beginning of the 18th century, which is currently the focus of official monument preservation.

At the same time, the monument preservation problems caused by the current provisional new school buildings in front of the 800-year-old immunity wall will be discussed. The tour will be led by the association's chairman Carl J. Bachem.

The event is free of charge; a donation for the association's tasks is requested. The number of participants is limited to 25.

1,000 years of history in Pützchen. The old and the new monuments

Pützchens Markt dürfte jeder kennen. Aber wie ist es mit den geschichtlichen Denkmälern, die ihm seine Begründung verleihen? Seit 1000 Jahren sprudelt der namengebende Pütz, das „Brünnchen“. Seit der Barockzeit prangen eindrucksvolle Baulichkeiten dort .Und in jüngster Zeit wurden diese von „moderner Architektur“ umfangen …

This is the aim of an extensive exploration of our association on the

Saturday 18 June 2022, meeting at 15:00 at the Brünnchen

Hinterher (ab ca. 17 h) geselliger Ausklang im Restaurant „Klosterpforte“.

We ask for your (initially non-binding) pre-registration: Please call 0228 / 422 14 664 (TAB) or mail: denkmalverein.bonn@t-online. en

You are very welcome to join us! Why not bring your friends too!

Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor

The Monument and History Society regularly organises a Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor a meeting with coffee and cake in the idyllic courtyard of the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus.

The events will kick off on

Sunday, 19 June 2022 at 4:00 pm

The Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor takes place regularly every third Sunday of the month.

Exhibition at the Mayor Stroof House from 23 June to 17 July 2022

The Monument and History Society will be exhibiting in the period from

23 June 2022 to 17 July 2022 at the Mayor Stroof House

Works by the painter Leo Breuer. The Parisian constructivist was born in Bonn in 1893, worked in Paris and died in Küdinghoven in 1975.

The vernissage will take place on Thursday 23 June 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus (Adelheidisstraße 3, 53225 Bonn-Vilich) under the direction of the art historian Dr. Uelsberg.

Opening hours of the exhibition: Wed/Fri/Sun 15:00 -18:00 and by appointment: 0228 474508