Support the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. by becoming a member.

The ordinary membership fee is € 25 per year, for family/partner memberships € 30.

All funds are used for the purposes of the association. The association is recognised as a non-profit organisation and is entitled to issue tax receipts ("Spendenquittung"), also for the membership fee itself.

Please fill in the following form and send it to us by clicking on "Send application".


    I hereby declare my/our accession to the (day, month, year) to the Monument and History Society Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. (mandatory field)

    I choose the following membership model

    I/we am/are also*) [under certain conditions, which I would like to discuss with the association's board] interested in working, possibly in the area of

    The membership fee is due annually in advance with the date of the start of the membership. Please transfer the amount to the following bank account:

    Monument and History Society Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V.

    DE50 3806 0186 0001 4800 14

    You will receive a confirmation of your application by e-mail.