Contributions to monuments and history in Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine.

Vereinsedition „Beiträge zu Denkmal und Geschichte im Rechtsrheinischen Bonn“
Classic book format, orange series cover, paperback.
All volumes of this series cost 8,- Euro each.
Issue 10
Remarkable prehistoric and early historic finds and sites in Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine
Hans-Eckart Joachim
2018. 48 pages, 35 illustrations - ISBN 978-3-9812164-6-2
Issue 9
St. Paul in Beuel East
The last church building by Dominikus Böhm
Dorothee Haentjes-Holländer
2018. 91 pages, 82 illustrations - ISBN 978-3-9812164-7-9
Booklet 8
From the Heider farm to the Cellitinnen convent
A chapter from the local history of Geislar
Carl J. Bachem
2008. 120 pages, 113 illustrations - ISBN 978-3-9812164-1-7
Booklet 7
Pastor Maaßen's historiography of Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine.
Faksimile-Auszug aus der „Geschichte der Pfarreien des Dekanates Königswinter“
German H. C. Maassen, 1890.
Ed. and comment. by Carl J. Bachem
2007 (2008). 332 pages, of which 110 pages commentary, 56 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-9812164-0-0
Booklet 6
The end of the war in Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine
Contemporary witness reports after 60 years
Carl J. Bachem and Hans P. Müller (eds.) - m. Beitr. v. H. Vogt und R. Schlette
2005. 2nd edition 2005, 192 pages, 65 illustrations - ISBN 3-00-016223-2
Booklet 5
The volcanic Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine
From primary trachyte tuff eruption to volcanic logs,
Basalt and tufa clay ceilings and the nature of the St. Adelheidis spring
Winfried Leischner
2004. 88 pages, 10 pictures, 4 maps, 2 sketches a. 5 geological sections. Sections
ISBN 3-00-015197-4
Booklet 4
The Teutonic Order Commandery Ramersdorf
Notes on the history of its construction and its fate in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Christian Schüller
1988. 78 pages, 35 illustrations
Booklet 3
Napoleon on the Finkenberg
The contemporary reports of Stroof and Bleibtreu about the 6th of November 1811
Carl J. Bachem
1986. 80 pages, 8 illustrations
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Booklet 2
Rescue for the Vilicher grave crosses
Irreplaceable evidence for the Vilich/Beuel history of the 16th to 18th centuries
Carl J. Bachem
1985. 17 pages, 14 illustrations
Booklet 1
The House of Leonard Stroof
The first mayoralty of Vilich
Carl J. Bachem
1983. 15 pages, 8 illustrations
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