Inform yourself about our projects around Limperich Castle.

Illustration: Residential tower of the former Limperich Castle

Limperich castle

Die „Burg Limperich“, auf der Südterrasse des Finkenbergs oberhalb eines alten Rheinarms gelegen, präsentiert sich heute als Ruine einer bescheidenen mittetalterlichen Wehranlage. Sie besteht aus einem Turm auf einer zentralen Anhöhe, einem Keller darunter und aus ehemaligen Schild- und Wallmauern, die ihn nahezu rundum flankieren, sowie stattlichen Schutzmauern am Berghang. Der viereckige Turm aus 1,50 Meter dicken Mauern, auf einer Grundflache von 10 mal 7,50 Meter, war ein Wohnbau mit Wehrcharakter. Heute ist er nur noch im Erdgeschoss plus Keller erhalten.

The castle complex is attributed to the 11th century and is thus probably one of the earliest buildings in our region; it is the oldest in the Bonn city area, older than the Godesburg, for example.

The first known lords of the castle were the Knights of Drachenfels, later among others the Bergisch noble family of Nesselrode and the Cologne merchant family Foveaux.

The castle was probably destroyed in 1689 during the Palatinate War of Succession. The tower house lost its longitudinal walls on the upper floors, but these were rebuilt (in half-timbering); a gable roof was added to the whole.

This is made clear by pictures by R. Roidkin from 1725, which also reveal the half-timbered ensemble of the castle courtyard in the immediate vicinity. They, like again the upper floors of the tower house, came down in the 19th century. Rebuilding the tower is the (distant) goal of the preservationists.

Illustration: Residential tower of the former Limperich Castle

Illustration: R. Roidkin, sketch around 1729, view of the castle (right), the Mylendonker Barockhof (in the valley), and Bonn (in the background).

The castle complex is doubly protected as a monument: The whole is a ground monument, residential tower with cellar and ramparts a (building) monument.

Zu Zeiten des Basaltsteinabbaus (1850 – 1930) ist die “Burg“ als Betriebsbüro einer Steinbruchfirma genutzt worden. Dafür wurde um 1900 an den Turm ein eigenes Gebäude angefügt, das nicht unter Denkmalschutz steht.

Since 1967, private amateur radio operators have been running their clubhouse there. They also own the historical parts of the castle. The whole area is closed off by a solid fence; access for the public is not possible.


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