In the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus the association maintains a historical library on the history of Bonn and the region.
In the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus the association maintains a historical specialist library on the history of Bonn and the region. It includes books, magazines, serial publications, picture folders, film DVDs as well as so-called grey literature (parish letters, association publications).
The holdings, which are constantly being expanded, currently amount to about 1,200 titles. Especially on the history of the city district of Beuel, it can be considered largely complete; it also includes the specialist articles published in remote places since the 18th century. And of course the library also holds the usual literature on neighbouring and auxiliary sciences.
The use of the library is open to everyone and is possible during the regular opening hours of the Mayor Stroof House, by telephone arrangement also on other days. It is free of charge, a voluntary donation is requested.
The library is a reference library, i.e. intended only for on-site study. A reading room - the historic Great Salon - allows quiet and comfortable study. In justified individual cases, mainly for members of the association, a limited loan is also possible. A photocopier is available for individual copies on site.
The library's holdings are catalogued. A digital library program makes a targeted search possible. A bibliography is available for historical literature on the city district of Beuel.
The association offers a short essay for the construction of a relevant private local library, which contains in particular overviews of the recommendable literature. It can be purchased on site (5,00 EUR) or ordered for shipping (6,50 EUR).