The association publishes historical studies on Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine. For this purpose, it has published three editions, which are constantly being expanded.


Reihe 1: „Beiträge zu Denkmal und Geschichte im Rechtsrheinischen Bonn“ – Klassisches Buchformat, orangefarbiger Serien-Einband, kartoniert. Alle Bände dieser Reihe kosten einheitlich je 8,- Euro.

Small contributions

Reihe 2: „Small Beiträge zu Denkmal und Geschichte im Rechtsrheinischen Bonn“ – Heftformat 21×21, reich bebildert, farbiger Einband, kartoniert. Alle Bände dieser Reihe kosten einheitlich je 5,- Euro.

Antiquarian bookshop

In addition to a large number of individual titles, the antiquarian offer also includes individual editions from the book series on the history of Beuel, Bonn and the region, which are published by other institutions. These are in particular these:

  • Studies on the history of the city district Bonn-Beuel (Stadtarchiv Bonn) - predominantly blue binding
  • Series of publications of the Heimatverein Bonn-Oberkassel e. V. - green cover
  • Series of publications of Volksbank Beuel, now Volksbank Köln-Bonn - The series is complete.
  • Bonner Geschichtsblätter (Bonn Local History Society and Bonn City Archive)
  • Godesberger Heimatblätter (Association for the Preservation of Local History Bad Godesberg e. V.)
  • Troisdorf Annuals (Troisdorf Municipal Archives)
  • Bonner Jahrbücher (Society of Friends of Antiquities in the Rhineland, Bonn)
  • Rheinische Heimatpflege (Rhenish Association for Monument Preservation and Landscape Protection, Cologne)
  • Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter (Institute for Historical Studies of the University of Bonn)
  • Annals of the Historical Society for the Lower Rhine (Cologne)



The mayoralty and municipality of Vilich in the years 1891 - 1916
Mayor Friedrich Breuer
Beuel 1917 - Facsimile reprint Bonn 2000
8,00 EUR

History of the municipality of Beuel
Professor Heinrich Neu
Beuel 1952 - Facsimile reprint Bonn 2001
currently out of stock


All publications are available at the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, but can also be ordered by phone or by mail (contact details see imprint) for mailing.

Furthermore, the association has an antiquarian offer of younger and older literature on the history of the city district of Beuel and the whole of Bonn as well as the nearer and wider region. Information about available titles can be obtained from the association's office.