On this page we inform you about events that are either organised by the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. or that the association would like to point out.
TUESDAY, 26 March 2024 at 17:00: StroofKOLLEG ON TOUR
What actually characterises Beuel? An architectural walk in search of a district's identity with Dr Alexander Kleinschrodt
Buildings - both historical and more recent - are an important point of reference for the self-image of a city or neighbourhood. Beuel-Mitte has a whole series of examples of this: Many are beautiful, but some are also uncomfortable, and some still face an uncertain future. The assessment of the built environment is always in flux, with new perspectives and priorities emerging over time. This tour is therefore not just about dates and historical facts, but also about meanings and identities: With what values do we look at buildings in our neighbourhood? And what actually characterises Beuel - in architectural terms?
Dr Alexander Kleinschrodt is a cultural scientist and architectural historian. He works as a mediator in the fields of building culture and cultural history and teaches as a lecturer at the University of Bonn. Together with the Werkstatt Baukultur Bonn network, he has organised events on monument preservation and architecture on behalf of Bonn institutions and published a series of architectural guides. He is also an honorary member of the Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz.
Date: 26 March, 17:00
Meeting point: Corner of Combahnstraße/Rheinaustraße (opposite the café "Miss Minz"), where the tour also ends
Duration: approx. 90 min, tour approx. 2 km
Participation fee: EUR 5,00 (before the event to our account Volksbank KölnBonn IBAN DE50 3806 0186 0001 4800 14 with the Subject "Your name + Combahn" to be transferred)
Socialising at the "Bahnhöfchen" restaurant, Rheinaustr. 116, Bei nn-Beuel.
We are sorry, but registration is no longer possible, the event is fully booked.
Would you like to know where your family name comes from or where your ancestors lived?
For this purpose, we regularly offer you a personal consultation hour every first Monday of the month in the "Central Office for Family Research" in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus.
Waltraud Boß, a proven genealogist and author of various family books from the region, will answer your questions.
Participation is free of charge. Please register by mail so that Ms. Boß can prepare for your questions.
Send mail to Denkmalverein
More information about the Beueler Zentralstelle für Familienforschung
SATURDAY, 24, FEBRUARY 2024 at 14:00: StroofKOLLEG ON TOUR
Communists, kings and conferences - the Petersberg theatre. A guided tour through the former guard pavilion and across the plateau of the mountain
It rises 336 metres up on the right bank of the Rhine: the Petersberg, which is not only part of the Siebengebirge Nature Park, but also provided an impressive backdrop for state visits for decades with its guest house for the German government. Queen Elizabeth II was a guest here, as was the former General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, who was rumoured to have driven a valuable car - a gift from the German government - around the hairpin bends of the mountain in need of repair.
But conferences have also been held here. After the Second World War, the Allies discussed the fate of Germany on the Petersberg and in 2001, when foreign and security policy had long since shifted to the Berlin stage, the Afghanistan Conference was held here.
Join us to explore the former guardhouse, which has been converted into a small but excellent museum in recent years. Elmar Scheuren, the former director of the Siebengebirgsmuseum, and another tour guide will lead us through the exhibition and across the plateau.
Afterwards, from approx. 16:00, there will be a social get-together in Sarah*s Café (former railway station Kgsw.), Bahnhofsallee 10 in Königswinter.
We will form car pools so that non-motorised people can also take part in the event.
Please let us know if and how many people you can take with you or if you need one or more lifts.
For this purpose, we will forward your e-mail address and/or telephone number to potential passengers.
Limited number of participants!
Price for the guided tour per person for club members: EUR 10
Price for the guided tour per person for non-members: 12 EUR
Price for participation in the afternoon coffee in Sarah's Café: EUR 10 p.p. ("cake set": filter coffee/tea flat rate, water, 1 piece of cake or pastry p.p.)
Registration is no longer possible. The event is fully booked.
The Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn Rechtsrheinisch e.V. would like to draw your attention to the following event:
"Between the chairs": New findings on the high medieval double chapel in Bonn-Schwarzrheindorf in the field of tension between veil, mitre and crown.
When: Tuesday, 06 February 2024, 17:00 - 20:00 hrs
Where: Haus der Bildung (VHS), Room 1.11 (hall), Mühlheimer Platz 1, 53111 Bonn
For the programme and further information, please download the pdf below.
Download invitation with programme as pdfTUESDAY, 30/01/2024: StroofKOLLEG: CARNIVAL FROM BABYLON TO BEUEL
Dr Sylva Harst: "Carnival from Babylon to Beuel" -> Note from 28.01.2024: Martha Gebhard will give the lecture for Dr Harst, who is ill.
Carnival is not a Rhineland "invention"; 5000 years ago, Babylonians and Sumerians turned the world upside down. Rulers became slaves and vice versa, taboos were broken and everyday life was forgotten, of course only at a certain time of the year.
A few thousand years later, the electors of Cologne celebrated an "upside-down world" called carnival to excess, but were by no means thrilled that their subjects did the same. The power of the jecken Wiever in Beuel, which is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year, is also based on the rebellion against the prevailing conditions. The religious scholar Dr Sylva Harst will talk about these and other aspects.
The event will take place:
When: Tuesday, 30.01.2024
Where: Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Adelheidisstraße 3, Bonn, 53225 Vilich
Time: 7:30 pm
As always, the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. invites you to enjoy a glass of wine afterwards.
Participation in the event is free of charge, but donations are welcome.
Photo credits: Adobe Stock Image 710288661
The Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-rechtsrheinisch e.V. would like to draw your attention to the following event:
On 10 December from 12 to 6 pm
The Association of Friends and Sponsors of Lede Castle e.V.
to the "Advent hustle and bustle" in the park of Lede Castle
With your Contribution of 5 Euro support the restoration of the historic gardens of Lede Castle.
Children have free admission.
Parking: There are no parking facilities around the castle.
We therefore refer you to the Park & Ride car park at the Vilich stop on tram line 66 (approx. 5 minutes' walk to Lede Castle).
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Light rail line 66 (Vilich stop), bus lines 540 or 640 (Vilich-Kloster stop)
12:00-16:30 Visit from St Nicholas / Christmas crafts for children / mouse roulette / stick bread / archery with the Siegburg archers
12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00 "Carolfolk" from the Netherlands
13:00, 14:00 Irish Folk "With four hands and friends"
13:30, 15:30 Stories for children from ice and snow with Barbara Davidson
2:30 pm Stories for adults from ice and snow with Barbara Davidson
15:00, 16:30 Dance: Éclectique and Tina
17:00 Wind players of the LiKüRa guard of honour
Antiques Mordziol / Jens Brockmann: Photography / Christina Colditz: Jewellery / Kili Siefart: Ceramics / Elschners Landhonig / Watercolour painting Holger Figge / Sterntaler / Sebastian Hommen: Decoration from natural materials / La Mafwa: Hats, caps, gauntlets / Karl Scharrenbach: Hand-carved wooden mushrooms / Rosenkehlchen: Silver jewellery / Claudia Sack-Imam: Olive oil from Greece / Agnes Kunath - silver jewellery / Hennig-Rauth: Spinning time with wool products from regional sheep farming / Luz Tejada: Batik scarves and cushions / Anna Strauch: Self-forged jewellery and objects / Klaus Klaasen: Rustic wickerwork / Bea Koller-Alan: Self-sewn items / polola bags / Tina Früchte: Angels made from driftwood / Fred Kaffeerad / Birgit Wedemeyer: Knitted items /Sonja Alhäuser: Gingerbread / Elk-Design: Home accessories made from fabric
Culinary delights
Warming soup, grilled (wild) pork sausages, cakes, stollen, crêpes, Schlösser bakery: biscuits and gingerbread, fishing fraternity: smoked trout, and much more.
Saturday, 9 December 7 - 9 p.m. Singing and glowing with the LiKüRa brass band (no admission)
Send an email to the Friends of Lede Castle
To the website of Lede Castle
Advent reading for adults who are young at heart with Claudia Knöfel
When: Saturday, 02.12.2023, starting at 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00 respectively
Where: St Joseph and St Paul's Catholic Public Library, An St. Josef 19 B, 53225 Bonn (Beuel-Zentrum)
Look forward to short Advent stories and tales about the Christmas angel Alexis, why he is responsible for delivering presents in the Rhineland, and the question of whether eggnog is allowed in Christmas heaven or what the heavenly restaurant "Zum Fegefeuer" is all about.
Oh yes, and if you want to know what the best doping agent for reindeer is and many other heavenly secrets, then you've come to the right place on this day!
... and of course we also try the eggnog from Christmas heaven;-)
3 p.m. Part 1: "The protagonists"
St Nicholas of Myra, the gifted confectioner Krummziebel Josef and Billy Koslowsky are just three of the many actors who, together with Alexis, put on the Christmas party - including baking biscuits!
4 pm Part 2: "Heaven and hell"
It is the eternal battle between good and evil and angels and devils. It is usually fought in the pub "Zum Fegefeuer", which is located on the great stairway to heaven and connects heaven and hell. Sometimes things get heated here!
Part 3: "Prohibition in Christmas heaven"
There is actually a strict ban on alcohol in Christmas heaven. You can find out what the reindeer, who are the favourites of the Bishop of Myra, have to do with this in the last part of the reading.
To the website of Claudia Knöfel
Download event flyer as pdf
17.12. & 18.12.2023: REFERENCE TO EXHIBITION
St Martin's Goose lanterns from the exhibition
Picture of the painter Helmut Degenhard on the topic
The Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. invites you to the vernissage for the start of the following exhibition:
"The lanterns of the Vilich Adelheidis School children and the paintings of the Beuel painter Helmut Degenhard".
The exhibition runs
from 10.11.2023 up to and including 26.11.2023 and is open during this time every Friday and Sunday from 15:00 to 18:00
Admission is free of charge.
This year, lanterns in the form of St. Martin's geese will be presented, which children from the Adelheidis School have made as part of the open all-day care programme under the direction of Monika Mai.
The former primary school teacher from Schwarz-Rheindorf, who is an active member of the Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Association, will also accompany the evening with music: Together with the children of the Adelheidisschule, St Martin's songs will be sung.
At the same time, the St. Martin cycle by the Beuel-based painter Helmut Degenhard (1924-2002) will be shown again, consisting of twelve impressive but child-friendly depictions of a Rhineland St. Martin procession in 1948.
Short biography Helmut Degenhard as pdf31.10.2023: StroofKOLLEG: 1923 - The Rhenish Separatist Movement using the Example of the Bonn Region with the Siebengebirge Mountains
The Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch cordially invites you to the Stroof-Kolleg with Elmar Scheuren on 31 October at 7.30 pm. The topic is:
"1923 - The Rhenish separatist movement using the example of the Bonn region with the Siebengebirge".
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the so-called "Battle of Aegidienberg". It is the story of an impressive mobilisation, an armed resistance of the population against threatening predatory attacks by putschists.
The former director of the Siebengebirgsmuseum Königswinter, Elmar Scheuren, explains how this came about and what influence the events around the little village in the Siebengebirge were to have on the propaganda of the National Socialists and which monuments from the 1930s still bear witness to the events today.
The years after the First World War were marked by turmoil and hardship. High, unfulfilled reparation claims by the victorious powers of the First World War led to the occupation of the Ruhr region by French and Belgian troops, and inflation reached unimaginable proportions. Large parts of the population had to fear for their possessions or were even threatened with destitution.
In the Rhineland, the idea of a "Rhenish Republic" fell on fertile ground and gained support across the party spectrum. There was great distrust in this country of the Prussian government in faraway Berlin. As early as 1919, Hans Adam Dorten had proclaimed a "Rhenish Republic" in Wiesbaden, which was under French occupation, but this was to last only a few days.
Four years later, a new attempt: putschists again proclaimed the "Rhenish Republic". This time Koblenz was to become the seat of government. But there was a lack of equipment for the "troops" and of supplies. Violent confiscations from the population were the reason why the rebels lost the people's sympathy.
In November 1923, the men of the "Rang Brigade", led by a Bonn bricklayer named Peter Rang, headed north and finally took up quarters in the luxuriously furnished Bad Honnef Kurhaus. But their reputation had preceded them; there had already been attacks on them in Unkel and Rheinbreitbach.
In Aegidienberg and in other high-altitude towns of Bad Honnef, it was decided to call up a citizens' militia to protect the population from the tribulations of the "separatists". Finally, on 15 and 16 November 1923, fighting broke out near Aegidienberg, resulting in 16 deaths and many injured.
To round off the evening, we would like to invite you to the already obligatory glass of wine.
When: Tuesday, 31.10.2023
Time: 7:30 pm
Where: Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Adelheidisstraße 3, 53225 Bonn
Free admission, donations welcome.
Photo credits:
Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz, fonds 710 number 3806
Separatist movement in Koblenz, proclamation of the "Rhenish Republic" in front of the castle after the troops from the Lower Rhine move in
To the website
Illustration: The wayside chapel in Mayschoss
15.10.2023: NOTICE OF EVENT
European Restoration Day on 15.10.2023
Art historian Dr Ulrich Eltgen invites you to see, weather permitting, his progress in restoring the
Path chapel at the Alte Rentei in Mayschoss, Waagstr. 16
to visit.
The Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein would like to draw your attention to the following event (organiser: Katholische Bücherei Beuel):
Beueler Miniaturen - presented at a lively Heimatabend with Hans Paul Müller and his friends Patty Burgunder (read by Evi Zwiebler), Alexander Brüggemann, Dr. Sylva Harst, Dieter Noth and Wolfgang Zimmer.
Be curious and look forward to history, stories and anecdotes about the Rhineland and Beuel in particular. Told up close and lively by people whose families have been firmly rooted in Beuel for generations, who have opened their hearts wide to the Rhineland and especially Beuel, and whose hearts beat firmly to the beat of the Rhineland...
An exciting evening for all those who would like to get to know the soul of Beuel better, but even die-hard Beuelers can still learn some news here.
When: Friday, 13.10.2023
Time: 17:00
Where: St. Josef Parish Hall, An St. Josef 19 a, 53225 Bonn
Free admission, donations welcome.
TUESDAY, 26.09.2023: StroofKOLLEG
StroofKOLLEG in the Mayor Stroof House: "The Best Years in Bonn - Beethoven, Bonn Women and the Enlightenment on the Rhine". A film by Georg Divossen
Tuesday, 26 September 2023, at the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus (Adelheidisstraße 3, 53225 Bonn), 7.30 p.m., length 45 minutes.
In his film, filmmaker Georg Divossen focuses on the Bonn of the last Elector Max Franz. His enthusiasm for the ideals of the Enlightenment brought Bonn to a final cultural and political flowering.
This was the time when Ludwig van Beethoven grew up, and Divossen has recreated scenes from Bonn in Beethoven's time with twelve actors. A new educated middle class discussed ideas of equality, tolerance and free development of the personality in the salons - and it was precisely these demands for freedom and political equality that shaped Ludwig for his entire life.
But equality did not apply to everyone. Women could hardly benefit from Enlightenment visions, and the third estate continued to fare badly.
Followed by an invitation "... to a glass of wine".
Dear members, dear friends and supporters,
the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn Rechtsrheinisch e.V. invites you to participate in the following event:
The Ahr, the flood and the monuments two years after the catastrophe: a bus trip upriver with art historical accompaniment on Saturday, 23.09.2023
- Programme:
- 10:00 am: Departure Vilich, bus stop Bonn Vilich Kloster (Käsbergstraße)!
- Drive via Bad Bodendorf to Ahrweiler, there visit to the Schützenmuseum with expert explanations on the restoration of the Quirinus figure
- Stay "on your own" in Ahrweiler, approx. 1 hr.
- Onward journey with stops in Dernau, Rech and/or Mayschoß, incl. expert explanations.
- Continue to Hönningen, visit the "Hubertus Chapel" (painting and altar), which has just been restored by volunteers.
- Continue to Dümpelfeld, where you can visit the historic railway bridge and learn about flood protection.
- "Body and Soul": Conclusion at the "Gasthaus Strohe
- Departure at 19:00 to Vilich
(Subject to change!)
- Art historical direction : Dr Ulrich Eltgen
- Overall management: Claudia Knöfel
- Bus company: Axel Wolf Busreisen, Cologne
Price for club members EUR 25,00 p.p.
Price for non-members EUR 30,00 p.p.
The number of participants is limited, therefore registration is required under denkmalverein.bonn@t-online.de
To the registration by mail
Download invitation letter as pdf
SUNDAY, 17.09.2023 FROM 12 - 18 H: HOFFEST
Invitation to the Court Festival on 17.09.2023
At Sunday, 17.09.2023 takes place in the Time from 12:00 h till 18:00 h in the courtyard of the Mayor Stroof House. In the past years, the courtyard party has been a meeting place and an occasion for many interesting conversations about our association and our work.
Details as follows:
Opening hours: 12:00 - 18:00
Guided tours of the house: We offer guided tours according to demand.
Lunch: Soup
Background music: From 12:00 to 18:00, the artist "Mario" sings songs "queerbeet" and accompanies himself on his guitar.
Afternoon: Coffee and cake
During the event: Cold drinks (water and wine)
Admission: Admission is free, donations are appreciated
We look forward to seeing you there.
The Monument and History Society would like to draw attention to the following event:
Title: Carillon Concert with Dina Verheyden and Richard de Waardt (BE)
Date: 7 September 2023, 17.00 at the Church of St. Joseph in Beuel
Admission: Admission is free - A donation is requested for the upkeep of the carillon
Part 1: Can you Handel John Williams?
- George Frideric Handel (1686-1759) Ouverture from the Fireworks Music
- John Williams (°1932) Theme from "Jaws" ("Jaws")
- Imperial March from "Star Wars
Part 2: Travelling
- Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885-1944) El Último Trémolo - "Una limosnita por el amor De Dios"
- Joaquín Rodrigo (1901-1999) Adagio from the Concerto d'Aranjuez
- Rabih Abou-Khalil (°1957) Arabian Waltz
Part 3: Dreaming
- Maurice Ravel (1875- 1937) Adagio assai from the Piano Concerto in G major
- Bill Evans (1929-1980 Peace Piece
Part 4: Rocking!
- Thom Yorke (°1968) Paranoid Android - Radiohead
- John Miles (1949-2021) Music was my first love
All pieces of this concert were arranged for Carillon by Richard de Waardt.
Dina Verheyden studied in Leuven at the Lemmens Institute and graduated with a Master's degree in solo singing. In 2007 she graduated as a professional carillonneur at the Royal Carillon School "Jef Denyn" in Mechelen. Since 2010 she teaches carillon, handbells, campanology and music theory at the Royal Carillon School.
Verheyden also teaches carillon at the Higher Institute for Music & Pedagogy (IMEP) in Namen (BE). She is the carillonneur of Puurs and the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-over-de-Dijlekerk in Mechelen.
Richard de Waardt also studied at the Royal Carillon School "Jef Denyn" in Mechelen and graduated with distinction in 2010. Since 2012 he has been the carillonneur of Rotterdam, where he plays the carillons of the Laurenskerk, the City Hall and the Pelgrimvaderskerk.
Since 2019 he is also municipal carilloneur of Tholen and Sint-Maartensdijk (Zeeland). As an accordionist, Richard plays in several groups and is the driving force behind the group "Daar Zit Muziek In".
De Waardt is founder of the "Stichting Torenmuziek Eiland Tholen", secretary of the "Koninklijke Nederlandse Klokkenspel Vereniging" and artistic advisor to the "Stichting Stadsmuziek Rotterdam". For the bell foundry Royal Eijsbouts, he arranges music for the automatics of carillons and carillons all over the world.
Regular playing times at St Joseph's Carillon:
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 17:00h with A. Toffel and G. Wagner. Contact: carillon.glocken@gmail.com
Donation account: DE 04 3705 0198 0032 9300 00, St. Josefs-Verein, Beuel; reason for payment "Carillon".
Next Carillon Concerts for St Nicholas Market 1/3 Dec 2023 at St Joseph's.
At Sunday, 10.09.2023 the annual "Open Monument Day" takes place. The Monument and History Society has two events on the programme, one of which is parish-related and takes place in the collegiate and parish church of St. Peter.
Events of the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V.:
Place: Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Adelheidisstraße 3, 53225 Bonn
Motto: "Talent Monument" - The Mayor Stroof House: What is its monumental value?
Time: Open from 12:00 to 18:00. Guided tours by members of the association on demand. Special guided tour 2:00 p.m. by Carl J. Bachem.
Place: Collegiate and Parish Church of St Peter, Adelheidisstraße 8, 53225 Bonn
Topic: "Detective work in the Middle Ages. Tracking down a church building of the 11th century": A lecture by Johanna Beutner M.A.
Description: Making a church building visible and tangible, whose sparse remains have been preserved inside and outside today's parish church of St. Peter in Vilich, is tantamount to a detective hunt for clues.
The deeper one goes into the search, the more the former significance of this building, which served as a convent church for the Vilich convent of women, is revealed. Since its foundation towards the end of the 10th century, this women's convent had risen steeply. The emerging pilgrimage system around the founding abbess Adelheid and the increased demands of the convent made a magnificent new building possible in the first half of the 11th century.
Its architectural language reveals deliberate references to other churches in the Rhineland, allowing the vibrant networks of spiritual institutions at the time to shine through.
Together with the audience, the lecture would like to follow in the footsteps of this exciting building and then pursue further questions and discussion points on site "at the object".
Time: 17:00
Events in the Collegiate and Parish Church of St. Peter, Adelheidisstraße 8, 53225 Bonn
Place: Collegiate and Parish Church of St Peter, Adelheidisstraße 8, 53225 Bonn
Topic: Guided tour of the parish by Father Michael Dörr
Time: 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m.
Place: Collegiate and Parish Church of St Peter, Adelheidisstraße 8, 53225 Bonn
Topic: Reliquaries - Chalices - Paraments" exhibition
Time: 12:00 till 18:00
Events at Lede Castle, An der Burg Lede 1, 53225 Bonn, Germany
Place: Burg Lede, An der Burg Lede 1, 53225 Bonn
Topic: Guided tour of Lede Castle
Time: 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Place: Burg Lede, An der Burg Lede 1, 53225 Bonn
Topic: Children's tour of Lede Castle
Time: 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm
Place: Burg Lede, An der Burg Lede 1, 53225 Bonn
Topic: Café in the barn
Time: 11:00 h till 18:00 h
More information on the website of the Friends of Lede Castle
TUESDAY, 29.08.2023 StroofKOLLEG
"How the Foveaux Cottage Came to the Ennert - and a Little Temple to the Finkenberg".
The end of Heisterbach Abbey and the whereabouts of its architectural sculptures and art treasures
Lecture by Katrin Heitmann M.A., Bad Honnef
- Tuesday, 29 August 2023
- 8.00 p.m. in the St. Gallus Küdinghoven parish hall, Gallusstraße 11-13 (Küdinghoven)
- Free admission; "for a glass of wine" to round off the evening
After 1803, the Cistercian Abbey of Heisterbach was also dissolved. The buildings were auctioned off to the highest bidders, their art treasures destroyed or scattered all over the world.
Some of the architectural sculpture, however, columns and capitals, as well as sculptures and gravestones, quickly found a new use as decoration in the parks of the local landlords.
Among them was J. H. Foveaux from the Mylendonker Hof in Limperich. In her lecture, Katrin Heitmann M.A., a graduate art historian from Bad Honnef, traces this history of "great art in a small garden".
The material for this is taken from her dissertation at Bonn University, in which she investigates the whereabouts of the former furnishings of the former monastery church of Heisterbach.
Picture above left: Construction of the Foveau cottage, view from the Ennert to the south, lithograph by an unknown painter.
Arrival by car:
- Parking is available a few metres away on the village square (Kirchstraße, opposite "Kleine[n] Bäckerei") or on Hangstraße next to the church in the direction of the cemetery.
- You can park bicycles in the courtyard of the parish hall
Arrival/departure by public transport:
- Take tram 62 to the Schießbergweg stop, then walk for approx. 7 min.
- Take bus line 636 to the "Küdinghoven Kirche" stop, then approx. 2 min on foot.
- With the night bus line N8 from the bus stop "Küdinghoven Kirche".
Reading in the StroofSALON
Sunday, 18 June 2023, 6.00 p.m.
in the courtyard of the Mayor Stroof House
Maria Uleer reads from her novel "today and not yesterday“.
The novel is set in the southern city of Bonn. A woman's deadlocked life is turned upside down in an unexpected way when she takes advantage of a ride to England.
The reading will be accompanied musically by Elisabeth Braselmann and her chamber music trio. This will be accompanied by the traditional glass of wine.
The Mayor Stroof House will be open for viewing beforehand from 15. Admission is free, but donations for the purposes of the association are welcome.
Image rights: GA Bonn, Ursula Becker
The Vilich Citizens' Association has recently published a book on the history of Vilich. The author is Ursula Becker: "The historical Vilich. The collegiate church and the historic site". (155 p., richly illustrated - €19.80).
This is an occasion for the Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Society to take a closer look at the important local and territorial history of Vilich at its regular StroofKollegs - every last Tuesday of the month.
He has invited the author to a professional dialogue with the association's chairman Carl J. Bachem. It will be moderated by the new deputy chairperson of the association, Claudia Knöfel.
If you have questions on your mind that you have always wanted to ask in this regard, then this is the event for you!
The public event is on
Whit Tuesday, 30 May 2023, at 19.30 h in the Mayor Stroof House
At the end, as usual, there will be an invitation "for a glass of wine"! As always, admission is free; donations for the purposes of the association are welcomed.
Image rights: GA Bonn, Ursula Becker
Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 7.00 p.m. - Parish Hall St. Josef Beuel, Joh.-Link-Straße / corner An St. Josef
Regularities - Reports - Finances - Elections
TUESDAY, 28 March 2023: StroofKOLLEG
StroofKOLLEG February
Tuesday, 28.2.2023, 19.30 h Lede Castle (Vilich, An der Burg Lede 1)
"Tring, Sting on Dröck heeße all ärm Löck - Die schönsten Rheinischen Redensarten und was sie bedeuten."
Jörg Manhold speaks and sings (with accordion) about the Rhenish way of life and the lovable homeland around Cologne and Bonn.
One of the politically topical issues at the moment is the statute on listed buildings for the Combahn district of Beuel. The council has decided to draw it up. And now the draft will be presented to the citizens during the whole of February, who can make suggestions and express concerns that will ultimately be taken into account in the political decision-making process.
The draft of the statute itself, with a lot of textual and pictorial material, as well as the expert opinion on the technical justification, can be publicly viewed in the Bonn Council and Information System via www.bonn.de. In order to enable citizens who are not able to use the digital system to participate accordingly, the Bonn-Rrh Monument and History Society has made all the relevant documents available for everyone to view free of charge in its Mayor Stroof House in Vilich; the house is regularly open on Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 pm.
After the municipal monument authority presented the project to the public on 24 January in Beuel's town hall, what is still missing is a practical demonstration. To this end, the Denkmalverein and the citizens' initiative Combahnviertel Linneman, whose joint initiative, as is well known, is to thank for this protection statute in the first place, invite you to a practical tour of the Combahnviertel.
This will be technically supported by Dr. Elke Janssen-Schnabel, the expert of the monument authority of the Landschaftsverband (Brauweiler), who has provided the entire scientific basis for these statutes. The event is scheduled for the coming
Saturday, 4 February 2023, starting at 3 p.m. at the forecourt of the town hall, Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 56
It ends at around 4.30 p.m. at the Bröltal railway station. Participation is free of charge. Pre-registration is not necessary, but the organisers reserve the right to repeat the tour if the number of participants is too great.
StroofKOLLEG January
Tuesday, 31.1.2023, 19.30 h Mayor Stroof House
Barbara Brockmeier: "The Bonn artist Pitt Müller and his time in Vilich".
Picture credits: Benjamin Westhoff, General-Anzeiger Bonn
The statute for the listed area of the Combahn district in Beuel, which was obtained by our association in cooperation with the Combahn Initiative (W. Linnemann), is ready for public submission.
This will take place in the period from 1 February to 1 March 2023 in the Beuel City Hall as well as in the Bonn City Hall.
In addition, on
Tuesday, 24 January 2023 at Beuel City Hall
an information event will be held by the administration. Our association is also planning a guided tour of the Combahn district at the beginning of February; more information will be provided later.
Invitation of the administration to the information event as pdfBOOK AND PICTURE SALES EXTENDED UNTIL 23.12.2022
Antiquarian book and picture market in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus - after-sale until 23.12.2022 Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 p.m.
This year's antiquarian book and picture market initiated by the Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Society was a very great success.
Numerous visitors interested in history and art found their way to the Vilicher Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus to purchase historical books, lithographs, oil paintings and watercolours.
Stone-printed pictures showing scenes from the romantic Rhine Valley were particularly popular. But also those with motifs from the local districts of Beuel were extremely popular.
The chairman of the association, Carl J. Bachem, was extremely pleased with the financial success: "In times of high gas and electricity prices, every euro is of course welcome to us. The proceeds will be used to finance the increased instalment payments from the energy suppliers."
Those who are still looking for Christmas presents or want to give themselves a treat: The real bargains can still be purchased until 23 December. Until then, there will be a post-sale in Vilich, Adelheidisstraße 3, on Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 pm.
Sunday, 04.12.2022 from 12:00 h to 18:00 h
the Monument and History Society offers a book and picture sale in its Mayor Stroof House in Vilich.
While there is "Advent hustle and bustle" at the neighbouring Lede Castle, he evokes history: he opens his antiquarian bookshop with books on the history of Bonn and the region, second-hand as well as hot-off-the-press literature, and a colourful mixture from lithos on Rhine Romanticism to "modern" oil and watercolour.
The museum is also open from 12 to 18, admission is free.
The income is intended to cover the museum's greatly increased operating costs.
Warm invitation!
Saturday, 19.11.2022 at 3:00 pm
The Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monuments and History Society offers
a Cultural-historical tour of the Beuel cemetery on Platanenweg an.
The speaker will be Dr Dagmar Hänel, who will explain the special features of the cemetery, which include not only the widely known Sinti and Roma graves.
Meeting point is the old Main entrance on Platanenweg.
From the Shell petrol station, the road axis leads up a slight incline, at the end of which is the gate.
Admission is free, but donations are requested.
The subsequent social evening will take place in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Adelheidisstraße 3 in Beuel-Vilich.
As the number of participants is limited, please register by mail.
Image: Wikipedia
Would you like to know where your family name comes from or where your ancestors lived?
For this purpose, we regularly offer you a personal consultation hour every 1st Monday of the month at the "Central Office for Beuel Family Research" in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus.
Waltraud Boß, genealogist and author of various family books from the region, will answer your questions.
Participation is free of charge, but donations are welcome. Please register by email so that Ms. Boß can prepare for your questions.
at the Mayor Stroof House
Adelheidisstr. 3
53225 Bonn-Vilich
Vernissage: Friday, 11.11.2022 at 7.00 p.m.
Introductory lecture: Dr. Sylva Harst
open daily from 5pm - 7pm
Finissage: Sunday, 20.11.2022 at 17.00
Guided tours for school classes are available on request.
Contact: denkmalverein.bonn@t-online.de
The Beuel painter and graphic artist Helmut Degenhardt (1924 - 2002) was an exceptional artist. Severely handicapped from birth by spastic paralysis, he initially took painting and drawing lessons with Theodor Pape, a private lecturer in Bonn, and from 1943 to 1946 he studied glass painting, among other things, at the Cologne Art Academy. His breakthrough came in 1950, when the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bonner Kunsterzieher" (Working Group of Art Teachers in Bonn) exhibited twelve of his watercolours showing children in a (Beuel) St. Martin's procession. Later, this cycle was published by the city of Bonn and used as a representative gift.
Although he also drew protraits and continued to paint watercolours, his artistic love was stained glass. In close collaboration with the Derix glass workshop, he creates stained glass windows for the parishes of St. Michael (Weststadt), St. Maria-Magdalena (Endenich), St. Maria-Königin (St. Augustin) and St. Benediktus (Düsseldorf-Heerdt) according to his strict specifications. He also designed the stained glass windows of the Anne Frank secondary school in Vilich.
Since he is not only dependent on the support and care of his parents as an artist, it is a bitter blow for him when his mother dies in 1970 and his father twelve years later. It meant the end of his artistic career. He died on 4 October 2002.
The exhibition presents his twelve-part Martin cycle in Vilich's Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus and is accompanied by the torches of Vilich's Adelheidis School children, who are invited to collect them again in a small ceremony on 20 November.
Figure: Charles II, the last Habsburg ruler, who will be discussed in the lecture.
At Tuesday, 27.09.2022 at 7:30 pm the genealogist Waltraud Boß gives a lecture in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus on the subject of Curiosities from family research.
Visitors can expect a short excursion into the genealogical cabinet of curiosities: funny, sad and also scary incidents in family research. The duration of the contract is about one hour.
ATTENTION: The maximum number of 20 participants has been reached, registration is no longer possible.
StroofKOLLEG on Tour to historic Küdinghoven
Only very few people know that the oldest towers in Bonn are in Beuel. The residential towers of the castles of Limperich, Vilich (Lede) and Rheindorf (Wolfsburg) date back to the Middle Ages, the Möllestomp on the Limperich bank of the Rhine perhaps even to Roman times. The most interesting of all, however, is probably the church tower of Küdinghoven, about 1000 years old.
With its hidden staircase, it is an absolute rarity. Initially the population's refuge and defence tower, it was also the place where the Bergische Unterherrschaft Küdinghoven kept its records until secularisation. This church tower, all the way up to the belfry, is the goal of the StroofKOLLEG of the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. (Bonn Historical Society).
At the same time, of course, the church itself will be visited, one of the very few classicist longhouses in our region, and the neighbouring grave cross garden, which preserves the historic stone crosses of the 17th and 18th centuries, including plague crosses from 1666. Finally, the painter Leo Breuer from Bonn will be remembered, whose grave in the Küdinghoven churchyard has been elevated to a municipal grave of honour on the initiative of the monument association. Recently, the association presented an exhibition of paintings by this important constructivist in its Mayor Stroof House.
The event at Saturday, 8 October 2022, is under the direction of Carl J. Bachem and Johannes Junglas. It starts at 15.00. There is no cost; a donation for the upkeep of the Stroof House is requested. Registration is not necessary.
Image: Wikipedia
"The History of the Mayor Stroof House" on Open Monument Day, Sunday, 11 September 2022.
The Mayor Stroof House. The architectural origins of the listed Mayor Stroof House are still unclear. Recently, however, the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsheinisch e. V., which runs the 300-year-old half-timbered house as a museum commemorating the municipal beginnings of the borough of Beuel, seems to be on the right track.
This "KulturSpur" leads to the neighbouring Lede Castle, which once had its well house here at the edge of the park, perhaps even a medieval residential tower.
Saved from demolition by the association, the historical and architectural monument has revealed many traces of its history during its extensive restoration. Visitors are made aware of this during the guided tour.
Place: Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus, Vilich, Adelheidisstraße 3, Bonn (53225)
Guided tours on demand - Refreshments in the monument courtyard - Info sheet
Opening hours: Sunday, 11.09.2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Guided tour "VILICH TREASURES" on Open Monument Day, Sunday, 11 September 2022
The listed churchyard at St. Peter's was laid out in the Middle Ages and was for centuries the burial place of the formerly large parish of Vilich, which also included places such as Beuel, Rheindorf, Geislar, Pützchen and Holzlar, and thus practically the entire northern half of today's Bonn district of Beuel.
On the Day of the Open Monument, 240 stone grave crosses in particular, in keeping with the motto of the day, invite visitors to search for "traces of culture" dating back to the late Gothic period.
A remarkably high number. Probably the oldest, on which a date can still be clearly seen, dates from 1580. This unusual cultural treasure has long been abandoned to decay; after years of effort, the first signs of rescue are now coming into view.
Carl J. Bachem, Chairman of the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e. V., will report on this and present selected grave crosses as well as the gravesites of important Vilich families.
Guided tour by: Carl Jakob Bachem
Leadership 1:
Date/Time: Sunday, 11/09/2022, 13:00
Meeting point: Vilich, Kirchplatz Adelheidisstraße 8, Bonn (53225)
Leadership 2:
Date/Time: Sunday, 11/09/2022, 17:00
Meeting point: Vilich, Kirchplatz Adelheidisstraße 8, Bonn (53225)
Picture: Grave cross of the Bleibtreu family at the Old Protestant Cemetery in Holzlar
The Old Cemetery in Holzlar
Excursion "History after hours" on
Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 5 pm
What many people do not know: Holzlar is home to one of the oldest cemeteries in the Rhineland, far older than the Old Cemetery in Bonn, for example.
It goes back to Protestant roots, which were able to survive there "in the hidden hinterland" despite the Counter-Reformation. Because they were not tolerated in the surrounding Catholic cemeteries, two Holzlar families had themselves buried in their own garden.
This is the beginning, it was in 1658. The cemetery received a new boost at the beginning of the 19th century, when the factory owner Bleibtreu brought Protestant specialists from Hesse for his alum production, for whom there was also no burial place.
He then also made the cemetery the burial place for himself and his family. Of lasting importance both historically and in terms of art history, the cemetery is of course a listed building.
Dr. Friedrich Gebhardt, who has been looking after this gem for years, will lead a guided tour on behalf of the Bonn-Rrh. monument and history association.
The Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Society invites you to this event as part of its public event series "History after hours" at the
next Tuesday, 2 August 2022 , at 5.00 p.m.
The event is free of charge; a donation for the upkeep of the Mayor Stroof House is appreciated. The short pedestrian access route leaves from the main road opposite Primrose Way.
The Waldcafé is reserved for a convivial evening.
Leo Breuer exhibition extended until 07 August
The picture exhibition of Leo Breuer, the internationally important Constructivist, in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus is being extended by two weeks - until 7 August 2022 - due to its surprisingly great response.
As before, it is open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 pm. At the same time, it is possible to visit the museum memorial, the first official residence in Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine.
Admission is free; a donation towards the upkeep of the house is appreciated. Constructivist of international standing, Breuer (1993-1975) had his studios in Paris, but at the same time also here in Bonn, more precisely in Beuel.
His gravesite is located in the mountain cemetery in Küdinghoven and has been elevated to the status of a municipal grave of honour on the initiative of the Bonn-Rrh Monuments and History Society.
The exhibition in the Stroof House focuses on constructivist works, but also allows an insight into the oeuvre as a whole.
Image: Kuladig
Guided tour of the Vilich monument site
Historic Vilich is full of architectural monuments, which the Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch Monument and History Society naturally has a special eye on.
Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 2:30 pm
he invites you to another tour, which starts at 2.30 pm at the church, Adelheidisstraße 8, and ends about two hours later at the museum Mayor Stroof House.
The painter Leo Breuer exhibition can also be visited there at the moment (except on Sundays, also on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 6 p.m.). The path through the village with a visit to the church and cemetery and a view of Lede Castle is just under 500 metres long.
A special emphasis is placed on the unusual collection of grave crosses from the late Gothic period to the beginning of the 18th century, which is currently the focus of official monument preservation.
At the same time, the monument preservation problems caused by the current provisional new school buildings in front of the 800-year-old immunity wall will be discussed. The tour will be led by the association's chairman Carl J. Bachem.
The event is free of charge; a donation for the association's tasks is requested. The number of participants is limited to 25.
1,000 years of history in Pützchen. The old and the new monuments
Everyone should know Pützchen's market. But what about the historical monuments that give it its justification? For 1000 years, the Pütz, the "Brünnchen" that gives it its name, has been gushing. Since the Baroque era, impressive buildings have been standing there, and in recent times they have been surrounded by "modern architecture"...
This is the aim of an extensive exploration of our association on the
Saturday 18 June 2022, meeting at 15:00 at the Brünnchen
Afterwards (from approx. 17 h) a convivial evening in the restaurant "Klosterpforte".
We ask for your (initially non-binding) pre-registration: Please call 0228 / 422 14 664 (TAB) or mail: denkmalverein.bonn@t-online. en
You are very welcome to join us! Why not bring your friends too!
Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor
The Monument and History Society regularly organises a Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor a meeting with coffee and cake in the idyllic courtyard of the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus.
The events will kick off on
Sunday, 19 June 2022 at 4:00 pm
The Coffee party with Mrs. Mayor takes place regularly every third Sunday of the month.
Exhibition at the Mayor Stroof House from 23 June to 17 July 2022
The Monument and History Society will be exhibiting in the period from
23 June 2022 to 17 July 2022 at the Mayor Stroof House
Works by the painter Leo Breuer. The Parisian constructivist was born in Bonn in 1893, worked in Paris and died in Küdinghoven in 1975.
The vernissage will take place on Thursday 23 June 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Bürgermeister-Stroof-Haus (Adelheidisstraße 3, 53225 Bonn-Vilich) under the direction of the art historian Dr. Uelsberg.
Opening hours of the exhibition: Wed/Fri/Sun 15:00 -18:00 and by appointment: 0228 474508