Informieren Sie sich über unser Projekt „das Mehlemsche Haus“.

Abbildung: Rückseite Mehlemsches Haus“

Mehlem's house

The rescue and restoration of the baroque patrician house Mehlem from 1750 in Beuel (1975/79) was the reason for the foundation of the association. The association has taken over a sponsorship of Haus Mehlem.

Der „Brückenmeister“ von Combahn, Johannes Paul Mehlem, als Betreiber der Gierponte (fliegenden Brücke) Beteiligter an der Bonner Fährgerechtsame, errichtete vermutlich 1785 zusammen mit seiner Frau Elisabeth Stammels anstelle seines durch das Hochwasser von 1784 zerstörten Anwesens diesen prächtigen Neubau samt Wirtschaftsgebäuden. Nach anderer Meinung entstand es schon 1750 bis 1770 und hat das Hochwasser überstanden.

The Mehlem family lived in the house until 1852, after which it had several owners and tenants until the city of Bonn bought it in 1917 and continued to use it as a tenement. The Monument Association, founded on December 15, 1975, succeeded in saving this building, which was threatened with demolition. On 27 August 1979, after thorough renovation and restoration, it was handed over to the city of Bonn as a music school and concert venue. It is listed as a historical monument.

Since 1979, the usual and necessary maintenance measures have largely been neglected, and considerable damage has occurred that is unlikely to be repaired at all.

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