On this page you will find further information about the St. Adelheidis-Stift from the Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn-Rechtsrheinisch e.V. (Monument and History Society Bonn-Rhine-Rhine).

The St. Adelheidis Foundation

The life story of St. Adelheid is connected with St. Adelheidis-Stift. She was the first abbess of the monastery founded in 978 in Bonn-Vilich. During a catastrophic drought, Adelheid invoked heavenly assistance. When she touched the ground with her staff, a spring, a P(f)ützchen, gushed forth. The misery came to an end. A place of pilgrimage and a market were built around this spring, which still exists today in the form of the big fair 'Pützchens Markt' in September.

The convent was donated to the Cellite Sisters, who moved in here in 1908 to care for children in need of recuperation and to take over outpatient nursing care, as well as the kindergarten and the handicrafts and domestic science school. After a reserve hospital was set up in the monastery during the First World War, orphans were taken into the care of the sisters for some time afterwards.

In the 1930s, child care continued to decline and, in order to secure their livelihood, more and more old people were taken in for care. Incendiary bombs severely damaged the St. Adelheidis-Stift in October 1944.

The post-war reconstruction in Bonn-Vilich was followed in recent years by the renovation of the listed old building and the construction of a new building. The extended and modernised senior citizens' home St. Adelheidis-Stift was solemnly inaugurated by Cardinal Meisner at the beginning of 2002.

Source: Seniorenhaus St. Adelheidis-Stift