Practical tour of the Combahn district

Practical tour of the Combahn district on Saturday, 04 February 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 

One of the politically topical issues at present is the statute on listed buildings for the Combahn district of Beuel. The council has decided to draw it up. And now the draft is available to the citizens for the whole of February, who can express their suggestions and concerns.

The draft of the statute itself, with a lot of textual and pictorial material, as well as the expert opinion on the technical justification, can be publicly viewed in the Bonn Council and Information System via In order to enable citizens who are not able to use the digital system to participate accordingly, the Bonn-Rrh Monument and History Society has made all the relevant documents available for everyone to view free of charge in its Mayor Stroof House in Vilich; the house is regularly open on Fridays and Sundays from 3 to 6 pm.

After the municipal monument authority presented the project to the public on 24 January in Beuel's town hall, what is still missing is a practical demonstration. To this end, the Denkmalverein and the citizens' initiative Combahnviertel Linneman, whose joint initiative, as is well known, is to thank for this protection statute in the first place, invite you to a practical tour of the Combahnviertel.

This will be technically supported by Dr. Elke Janssen-Schnabel, the expert of the monument authority of the Landschaftsverband (Brauweiler), who has provided the entire scientific basis for these statutes. The event is scheduled for the coming

Saturday, 4 February 2023, starting at 3 p.m. at the forecourt of the town hall, Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 56

It ends at around 4.30 p.m. at the Bröltal railway station. Participation is free of charge. Pre-registration is not necessary, but the organisers reserve the right to repeat the tour if the number of participants is too great.